Getting out of violence, greed and selfishness
To repair our damaged world and build a better world, all initiatives are welcome as long as they produce massive impacts.
Since September 2015, the UN 2030 Agenda, its 17 Sustainable Development Goals and its 169 targets to be achieved have been our strategic action plan and our roadmap.
Above all, we must demonstrate to young people around the world that the present and future of humanity and the Earth are in their hands, and that not all adults turn a deaf ear to their concerns and respond with nothing but blah-blah-blah.
169 targets to be achieved in 17 SDGs, major local and global challenges
Against denial and flight from the harsh reality of the facts, let's learn the lessons of the film Don't Look Up : Cosmic Denial , by Adam McKay (Netflix)!
Let us focus our efforts on combating the challenges of today and tomorrow, acting with those who are already contributing to them and avoiding their mournful procession of local and global wars!
There are only 6 useful years left in the decade of action: let us fight with strength and courage against global warming, against the decline of biodiversity, for social justice and prosperity for all!
Join us and let's take action together!
Agents of change and artisans of peace,
Decision-makers and contributors engaged in the field,
Future SDG Champions, SDG Leaders, SDG Governors, SDG Governors General,
Now is the time to act!
Let’s change, hope and, above all, act!
Let's stop procrastinating and implement policies and projects that give meaning to human life!
Together, let's solve problems and take on challenges!
Together, let's produce measurable results and massive impacts!
Together, let's grow and act for the good of Humanity, future generations and the Earth!
Together, let's get real results fast, for real people, in real life!